Next-generation performance-driven goal-oriented momentum strategies

holistic development solutions
blue-sky targeting techniques
comprehensive success blueprinting
zero disclosure proposal benefits
market leaders in increase and reduction (I&R) strategies
across-the-board accountability charters
quality-standard matrix approach™
pre- and/or post-market saturation recovery

Our unique corporate proposition? That’s what we deliver to you!

MO is the leading cutting-edge diversified integration service provider on the international corporate arena. We provide a full spectrum of business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-consumer (C2C) and consumer-to-business (C2B) services for the business and consumer community. Our commitment to the diversification and simplification of integration practices has led us to develop the groundbreaking quality-standard matrix approach™. This unique IPR method ensures superior enhancement level consistency across the board in all spheres of corporate diversity.

Our team

Our experienced team of top-professional executives

Lochamer Elechtroleit came to MO after a position as executive chair of Gopherit!™ Motivational Publishing (and Fitness). After revolutionizing the publishing and fitness industry through an innovative approach to value-based efficiency and fitness, Elechtroleit was elected unanimously as president of MO at the 2002 AGSM. Elechtroleit’s best-selling motivation tome “Die Gleichschaltung von Konzernsunpässlichkeit zum neuen Vorbild, oder die Veränderungen in Businesstechnik im einundzwanzigsten Jahrhundert” (Flipping the Switch from Corporate Malaise to The New Paradigm, or Involutions in 21st Century Business Techniques) [click for excerpt from Introduction] was recently translated from Schwäbisch into English.

Francor Merson had a stellar rise in the corporate world, thanks to his groundbreaking quality-standard matrix approach™, later adopted as the core business concept of MO. A specialist in analytic solutions synthesis, Merson brings to the table a fresh, edgy approach rooted in proven business practice. Renowned for his fame in the professional sphere of business, Merson can bring to your table what he has brought to boardrooms across the globe.

Seraphima Onofrei is at the forefront of behind-the-scenes corporate image promotion. Having nursed MO from gestation to proliferation, Onofrei is responsible for developing and enhancing the entire life cycle of corporate brand health. Her profound expertise has helped new-born entry level projects, obstinate teen market challengers and the graciously established business stalwarts create, overhaul and maintain their corporate image.

Our track record

Our track record speaks for itself. Past and current clients include such market leaders as:

Infotech Information Techonologies
Registered Hygiene and Metals
Fidge, Fidge and Fidge and Sons Consulting Group
Yum Time Confectionary Ltd.
Wang Chang Electronics
Umlaut Timber

Contact Us

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First Name:_________________________________________
*Middle name or patronymic:__________________________
Date of Birth:_______________________________________
Position: ___________________________________________
*Business Requirements and Mandatories, whether long-term lion’s share focussed and/or near-future market blitz enabled (please exclude past participle IPO projects and trans-market configurations): _______________________
Contact Phone Number (Work):_________________________
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Have you ever used a pager (Y/N):_______________________
*If yes, was it your pager or were you using someone elses:___
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Distinguishing Physical Features (extraordinarily large limbs, resemblance to pets or spouse): _________________________________________
How did you hear about us (choose one): yellow pages,, presentation at berlin international business exhibition, mom (if answered ‘mom’ please specify if mom is your own or someone else’s)_______

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